Sep 02, 2016 · Bis jetzt wurde noch keiner unserer VPN-Server beschlagnahmt und haben seit 4 Jahren keinen einzigen entsprechenden Fall gehabt. Wir sind nicht verpflichtet Daten auf unseren VPN-Servern zu speichern. is committed to being open and honest with our audience as we are a reader-supported site. So, if you purchase a VPN through one of the links on, we may earn commissions. Perfect Privacy VPN Pros Obfuscated Servers: A VPN for everyone. This is the kind of feature that we give kudos for, despite a low server count (see the cons section). Features. There is a very high-quality list of features that come with their service. We have tested these in detail with the help of the client suited for Windows. The internet is dependent on complex acronyms. Your ISP gives your computer an IP so you can have access to the DNS by using a URL that in turn uses the ICANN to let you watch some funny cat videos on YouTube. Perfect privacy VPN runs only dedicated servers which are managed in a RAM-disk to secure clients anonymity and privacy, where as many VPN providers may run their VPN functionality on a single server with data physically stored on the hard drive.

Perfect Privacy Review - expensive, but not perfect | VPN Room

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Perfect Privacy VPN Manager Installation (Windows 10

Perfect Privacy Review | Trusted Reviews Sep 24, 2019