At LasikPlus we provide LASIK/PRK laser eye surgery to qualifying patients for as low as $250 per eye. While the average LASIK cost in 2020 was $2200 per eye, thousands of our patients are now enjoying their new vision, having paid as little as $250 per eye. Learn more

There is a risk of flap complications with LASIK. PRK: your doctor removes a thin layer of tissue on the cornea (the epithelium). After the excimer laser treatment is complete, the epithelium needs time to grow back, which typically takes 3-5 days. Both PRK and LASIK are outpatient procedures. LASEK, PRK, EPI-LASIK Bay Area - LASIK Alternatives San Jose PRK vs LASIK. LASIK and PRK are both effective procedures for improving your vision and reducing reliance on contacts or eyeglasses. While LASIK is the more popular procedure, PRK can be a better choice for certain patients. Differences between LASIK and PRK. PRK – Refractive Eye Surgery – St. Louis and Chesterfield

The PRK & LASIK Procedure. The big difference between LASIK and PRK laser eye surgery is how the eye is prepared for surgery. With LASIK, the surgeon creates a hinged flap by making an incision in the cornea. This flap gives the surgeon access to the part of the cornea that needs to be reshaped.

PRK refractive eye surgery attracts many St. Louis and Chesterfield patients who would like reduce or eliminate their reliance on glasses and contact lenses. Even if you are ineligible for LASIK vision correction, PRK may still be an option for achieving sharper, clearer vision. LASIK & PRK - Paul Phillips Eye & Surgery Center

LASIK. PRK. Average Cost. $2,500 per eye. $1,800 per eye. Recovery Time. 1-2 Days. A few weeks. Technique. With flap. Flapless. The Basics. If you are considering refractive surgery, you've probably heard of LASIK, but you may not be familiar with PRK. LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) and PRK (photo refractive keratectomy) correct common vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia

The thought of eye surgery can cause anxiety and understandably you’ll want to know which one is safer – PRK or LASIK.Although photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is an older procedure, in some instances it will be more suitable and might be your only option. PRK vs LASIK - Comparing PRK to LASIK - Which procedure is LASIK: PRK: Requires the surgeon to use a surgical instrument called a microkeratome to create a corneal flap. A portion of the flap remains attached to the eye (as a hinge) while the remainder is gently lifted up and back exposing the inner cornea. The cool beam laser then resculpts the cornea and the flap is returned to its original position.