Access FreeNAS Jail From outside local network not working

I check the port using both Telnet, [url removed] and [url removed] but it is either closed or it says "I could not see your service on (my real ip) on port (88)" I then enabled the dmz to -- this doesn't solve the problem either. Port Forwarding / NAT / Router Issues Nov 11, 2010 Port Forwarding Error? | Yahoo Answers Jul 09, 2010 Port Forwarding not working Fix!!! (Fire Wall wont Block

"I could not see your service on on port (4662) Reason: Connection refused" But theres more. Today I found 3 extra rules that ZOOM had on default. These rules blocked ports 21, 23

Port forwarding is a nightmare - TechSpot Forums Jul 24, 2006 Question: Q: Unable to access cameras remotely (port 80

Letsencrypt Timeout during connect - support - Nextcloud

May 25, 2016 I cannot open port 80 to my camera on dual band routers Port 80 is reserved for remote web management page no matter Remote Management feature is enabled or not. Available Solutions Solution 1: In this solution you will need to change the Web Management Port … [resolved ] Can’t seem to open port for camera I check the port using both Telnet, [url removed] and [url removed] but it is either closed or it says "I could not see your service on (my real ip) on port (88)" I then enabled the dmz to -- this doesn't solve the problem either. Port Forwarding / NAT / Router Issues